MLS 3560261 - $335,000 - Lake Ozark - Lake of the Ozarks Real Estate
Commercial, Residential, Condos, Townhouses, Farms, Lots, Land, Acerage, Lake Front, Foreclosures
(Lake Ozark, Missouri) - No matter the season it is always a beautiful day when you wake up in the Ozarks! This updated, unique top floor unit with a 3rd bedroom loft and 2 baths is easily accessible with only one flight of stairs from the parking lot at Wood Crest Condo. The price includes all the furniture and furnishings -TURN KEY- with 2 electric fireplaces, a PWC slip with lift, and a 10x24 slip that you are allowed to extend the roof for a 26ft boat. There is even a wifi door lock, security, and thermostat that is all controllable from you phone. There is added privacy because this is an end unit. Wood Crest is a smaller complex located at the 3 mile marker that has a pool & club house. There is tons of dining, boating, & entertainment easy to access by water or land. Once you see this you will be ready to start living your best lake life today!
McNally Properties, Pat McNally, Linn Creek, Missouri, 573-348-2121
Search Lake of the Ozarks Real Estate
MLS {{ prop.MLSNumber }}
{{ prop.ListPrice | currency : symbol : 0 }}
{{ prop.StreetNumber }} {{ prop.StreetName }} {{ prop.StreetSuffix }}
{{ prop.City }}, {{ prop.StateOrProvince }} {{ prop.PostalCode }}
Address Not Available
Contingent: An initial offer has been made
Pending Sale: The seller has accepted an offer
{{ p[0] | date : "MMMM d, y" }}
{{ p[1] | currency : symbol : 0 }}
{{ p[2] }}
Listed: {{ prop.updated | date : "MMM d, y" }}
Year Built: {{ prop.YearBuilt }}
Square Ft: {{ prop.SqFtTotal | number }}
Acres: {{ prop.TotalAcres | number : 2 }}
Bedrooms: {{ prop.BedsTotal }}
Bathrooms: {{ prop.BathsTotal | number : 1 }}
Heat: {{ prop.Heating }}
A/C: {{ prop.Cooling }}
Foreclosure: {{ prop.ForeclosureYN | yesNo }}
Rd Frontage: {{ prop.RoadFrontage | number }} ft
Parking Spots: {{ prop.ParkingTotal }}
Price/Sqft: {{ prop.ListPrice / prop.SqFtTotal | currency : symbol : 2 }}
Price/Acre: {{ prop.ListPrice / prop.TotalAcres | currency : symbol : 0 }}
{{ prop.PublicRemarks }}
Property Type: {{ prop.PropertyType }}
({{ prop.PropertySubType }})
Business Name: {{ prop.BusinessName }}
Business Type: {{ prop.BusinessType }}
Fixed Equipment: {{ prop.FixedEquipmentYN | yesNo }}
Potential Rent Income: {{ prop.PotentialRentIncome | currency : symbol : 0 }}
Inventory Included: {{ prop.InventoryIncYN | yesNo }}
Total Units: {{ prop.TotalUnits }}
Farm Type: {{ prop.FarmType }}
Acres Cleared: {{ prop.AcresCleared }}
Pastured Acres: {{ prop.PasturedAcres }}
Fenced: {{ prop.FencedYN | yesNo }}
Electricity Available: {{ prop.ElectricityYN | yesNo }}
Utilities Available: {{ prop.UtilitiesAvailable }}
Highway Access: {{ prop.HighwayAccessYN | yesNo }}
Possible Use: {{ prop.PossibleUse }}
Condo Style: {{ prop.CondoStyle }}
Common Area Maintenance: {{ prop.CommonAreaMaint | currency : symbol : 0 }}
Subdivision: {{ prop.SubdivisionProjectName }}
Dock: {{ prop.DockYN }}
Mile Marker: MM {{ prop.MileMarker }} on {{ prop.MileMarkerArea }}
Waterfront Features: {{ prop.WaterfrontFeatures }}
Seawall Permit: {{ prop.SeawallPermitYN | yesNo }}
Property Features: {{ prop.PropertyFeatures }}
School District: {{ prop.SchoolDistrict }}
Driveway: {{ prop.Driveway }}
Garage: {{ prop.GarageYN }}
Garage Type: {{ prop.GarageType }}
Roof:{{ prop.RoofType }}
Exterior:{{ prop.ExteriorConstruction }}
Foundation:{{ prop.FoundationMaterials }}
House Color: {{ prop.HouseColor }}
Appliances: {{ prop.Appliances }}
Interior Features: {{ prop.InteriorFeatures }}
Exterior Features: {{ prop.ExteriorFeatures }}
Fireplaces: {{ prop.Fireplace }}
Fireplaces: {{ prop.FireplacesYN | yesNo }}
Fuel Type: {{ prop.FuelType }}
Green Features: {{ prop.GreenFeatures }}
Water: {{ prop.WaterType }}
Sewer: {{ prop.SewerType }}
Included: {{ prop.Included }}
Not Included: {{ prop.NotIncluded }}
Assessment Amount: {{ prop.AssessmentAmount | currency : symbol : 2 }}
({{ prop.AssessmentIncludes }})
Financing: {{ prop.Financing }}
Contingency Type: {{ prop.ContingencyType }}
County: {{ prop.CountyOrParish }}
Tax Amount: {{ prop.TaxRealEstate | currency : symbol : 2 }} ({{ prop.TaxYear }})
Insurance Amount: {{ prop.Insurance | currency : symbol : 0 }}
Lender Approval Required: {{ prop.LenderApprovalRequired | yesNo }}
Terms: {{ prop.SaleTerms }}
Legal Description: {{ prop.LegalDescription }}
Image {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ prop.PhotoCount }}
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