(Stover, Missouri) - Whether you're looking for a hunting retreat, place to build your dream home, or a place to start your own farm, you will find that this property will undoubtedly meet your needs. While viewing this property, you will be captivated by the country charm found at each turn. This homestead offers many wonderful features while maintaining a delightful old world feel. The pasture is in great shape. The fields consist of good classed soils. The grown-up fence rows lined with cedars create the perfect screening cover and security for deer. The layout of the fields allow for great food plot scenarios. A thin creek flows through the middle of the property and a small pond. Livestock will have plenty of shade with an ample amount of grass. At the old homestead area there is a drilled well with well house and electric service. This would be the perfect place to build your new home or hunting cabin with great views overlooking the pasture and pond, surrounded by a little touch of the past.
History | Price |
{{ p[0] | date : "MMMM d, y" }} | {{ p[1] | currency : symbol : 0 }} {{ p[2] }} |
{{ prop.PublicRemarks }}
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