MLS 3538070 - $279,900 - Rocky Mount - Lake of the Ozarks Real Estate
Commercial, Residential, Condos, Townhouses, Farms, Lots, Land, Acerage, Lake Front, Foreclosures
(Rocky Mount, Missouri) - You don’t have to stray far from your favorite lake to be on island time! This furnished, walk-in level unit gives the ultimate sense of seclusion and ease. The private drive leads right to your own gated community with amenities galore. Access to a private boat slip, pool deck and grilling stations are only steps away, but you could stay in your unit forever looking at this view. Between the screened-in balcony and the master bedroom windows, you’ll always have a panoramic lookout over the water. As an added bonus, you get main channel views, without the main channel wake. Your boat will remain secure with the installed break water. Whether you’re in the market to be full-time or on vacation, this unit delivers. With a long track record of steady rental income, you have the opportunity to offset or cover the cost of ownership. You’re sure to be Isla Del ‘SOLD’ when you step inside this well-maintained, lakefront destination. Call us to schedule a tour today!
McNally Properties, Pat McNally, Linn Creek, Missouri, 573-348-2121
Search Lake of the Ozarks Real Estate
MLS {{ prop.MLSNumber }}
{{ prop.ListPrice | currency : symbol : 0 }}
{{ prop.StreetNumber }} {{ prop.StreetName }} {{ prop.StreetSuffix }}
{{ prop.City }}, {{ prop.StateOrProvince }} {{ prop.PostalCode }}
Address Not Available
Contingent: An initial offer has been made
Pending Sale: The seller has accepted an offer
{{ p[0] | date : "MMMM d, y" }}
{{ p[1] | currency : symbol : 0 }}
{{ p[2] }}
Listed: {{ prop.updated | date : "MMM d, y" }}
Year Built: {{ prop.YearBuilt }}
Square Ft: {{ prop.SqFtTotal | number }}
Acres: {{ prop.TotalAcres | number : 2 }}
Bedrooms: {{ prop.BedsTotal }}
Bathrooms: {{ prop.BathsTotal | number : 1 }}
Heat: {{ prop.Heating }}
A/C: {{ prop.Cooling }}
Foreclosure: {{ prop.ForeclosureYN | yesNo }}
Rd Frontage: {{ prop.RoadFrontage | number }} ft
Parking Spots: {{ prop.ParkingTotal }}
Price/Sqft: {{ prop.ListPrice / prop.SqFtTotal | currency : symbol : 2 }}
Price/Acre: {{ prop.ListPrice / prop.TotalAcres | currency : symbol : 0 }}
{{ prop.PublicRemarks }}
Property Type: {{ prop.PropertyType }}
({{ prop.PropertySubType }})
Business Name: {{ prop.BusinessName }}
Business Type: {{ prop.BusinessType }}
Fixed Equipment: {{ prop.FixedEquipmentYN | yesNo }}
Potential Rent Income: {{ prop.PotentialRentIncome | currency : symbol : 0 }}
Inventory Included: {{ prop.InventoryIncYN | yesNo }}
Total Units: {{ prop.TotalUnits }}
Farm Type: {{ prop.FarmType }}
Acres Cleared: {{ prop.AcresCleared }}
Pastured Acres: {{ prop.PasturedAcres }}
Fenced: {{ prop.FencedYN | yesNo }}
Electricity Available: {{ prop.ElectricityYN | yesNo }}
Utilities Available: {{ prop.UtilitiesAvailable }}
Highway Access: {{ prop.HighwayAccessYN | yesNo }}
Possible Use: {{ prop.PossibleUse }}
Condo Style: {{ prop.CondoStyle }}
Common Area Maintenance: {{ prop.CommonAreaMaint | currency : symbol : 0 }}
Subdivision: {{ prop.SubdivisionProjectName }}
Dock: {{ prop.DockYN }}
Mile Marker: MM {{ prop.MileMarker }} on {{ prop.MileMarkerArea }}
Waterfront Features: {{ prop.WaterfrontFeatures }}
Seawall Permit: {{ prop.SeawallPermitYN | yesNo }}
Property Features: {{ prop.PropertyFeatures }}
School District: {{ prop.SchoolDistrict }}
Driveway: {{ prop.Driveway }}
Garage: {{ prop.GarageYN }}
Garage Type: {{ prop.GarageType }}
Roof:{{ prop.RoofType }}
Exterior:{{ prop.ExteriorConstruction }}
Foundation:{{ prop.FoundationMaterials }}
House Color: {{ prop.HouseColor }}
Appliances: {{ prop.Appliances }}
Interior Features: {{ prop.InteriorFeatures }}
Exterior Features: {{ prop.ExteriorFeatures }}
Fireplaces: {{ prop.Fireplace }}
Fireplaces: {{ prop.FireplacesYN | yesNo }}
Fuel Type: {{ prop.FuelType }}
Green Features: {{ prop.GreenFeatures }}
Water: {{ prop.WaterType }}
Sewer: {{ prop.SewerType }}
Included: {{ prop.Included }}
Not Included: {{ prop.NotIncluded }}
Assessment Amount: {{ prop.AssessmentAmount | currency : symbol : 2 }}
({{ prop.AssessmentIncludes }})
Financing: {{ prop.Financing }}
Contingency Type: {{ prop.ContingencyType }}
County: {{ prop.CountyOrParish }}
Tax Amount: {{ prop.TaxRealEstate | currency : symbol : 2 }} ({{ prop.TaxYear }})
Insurance Amount: {{ prop.Insurance | currency : symbol : 0 }}
Lender Approval Required: {{ prop.LenderApprovalRequired | yesNo }}
Terms: {{ prop.SaleTerms }}
Legal Description: {{ prop.LegalDescription }}
Image {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ prop.PhotoCount }}
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