(Tuscumbia, Missouri) - Private and Beautiful home/shouse site located on 43 acres. The property has been in the family since the nineties. It has primarily been used for hunting and recreational retreat. There is a 24X24 building with a single garage door and porch. The building is all finished on the inside, plumbed, and wired up to an electrical panel. Also included are several other outbuildings/sheds. This property has a mix of large timber (not logged) and over 2600 ft of Crow Road frontage. Phenomenal hunting or just an awesome property for wildlife enthusiasts. Located less than ten minutes from Tuscumbia. Only 45 miles from Fort Leonard Wood. This whole area of Missouri is absolutely beautiful. Come check it out!
History | Price |
{{ p[0] | date : "MMMM d, y" }} | {{ p[1] | currency : symbol : 0 }} {{ p[2] }} |
{{ prop.PublicRemarks }}
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