MLS 3536443 - $125,900 - Osage Beach - Lake of the Ozarks Real Estate
Commercial, Residential, Condos, Townhouses, Farms, Lots, Land, Acerage, Lake Front, Foreclosures
(Osage Beach, Missouri) - SUPER CUTE! INVESTOR SPECIAL! Coming with one PWC slip and furnished, this is the perfect weekend passport to the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks. This is the real deal. All you have to do is bring your tooth brush and you will be ready to enjoy your stay. Being located at the 21 mile marker, this condo is close to the best lake restaurants as well as all the shopping that Osage Beach has to offer. If you are an investor, a weekend warrior, or a little bit of both, this is the right purchase for you. Meticulously maintained and cared for by the owners. This has been in one family for fifteen years and they have never rented it out. Enjoy all of this at a complex that boasts a large pool, boat ramp, tennis courts, and plenty of pet friendly grounds. Interest rates are low and this is a great to claim your piece of the Lake for years to come. Call today to schedule your private showing!
McNally Properties, Pat McNally, Linn Creek, Missouri, 573-348-2121
Search Lake of the Ozarks Real Estate
MLS {{ prop.MLSNumber }}
{{ prop.ListPrice | currency : symbol : 0 }}
{{ prop.StreetNumber }} {{ prop.StreetName }} {{ prop.StreetSuffix }}
{{ prop.City }}, {{ prop.StateOrProvince }} {{ prop.PostalCode }}
Address Not Available
Contingent: An initial offer has been made
Pending Sale: The seller has accepted an offer
{{ p[0] | date : "MMMM d, y" }}
{{ p[1] | currency : symbol : 0 }}
{{ p[2] }}
Listed: {{ prop.updated | date : "MMM d, y" }}
Year Built: {{ prop.YearBuilt }}
Square Ft: {{ prop.SqFtTotal | number }}
Acres: {{ prop.TotalAcres | number : 2 }}
Bedrooms: {{ prop.BedsTotal }}
Bathrooms: {{ prop.BathsTotal | number : 1 }}
Heat: {{ prop.Heating }}
A/C: {{ prop.Cooling }}
Foreclosure: {{ prop.ForeclosureYN | yesNo }}
Rd Frontage: {{ prop.RoadFrontage | number }} ft
Parking Spots: {{ prop.ParkingTotal }}
Price/Sqft: {{ prop.ListPrice / prop.SqFtTotal | currency : symbol : 2 }}
Price/Acre: {{ prop.ListPrice / prop.TotalAcres | currency : symbol : 0 }}
{{ prop.PublicRemarks }}
Property Type: {{ prop.PropertyType }}
({{ prop.PropertySubType }})
Business Name: {{ prop.BusinessName }}
Business Type: {{ prop.BusinessType }}
Fixed Equipment: {{ prop.FixedEquipmentYN | yesNo }}
Potential Rent Income: {{ prop.PotentialRentIncome | currency : symbol : 0 }}
Inventory Included: {{ prop.InventoryIncYN | yesNo }}
Total Units: {{ prop.TotalUnits }}
Farm Type: {{ prop.FarmType }}
Acres Cleared: {{ prop.AcresCleared }}
Pastured Acres: {{ prop.PasturedAcres }}
Fenced: {{ prop.FencedYN | yesNo }}
Electricity Available: {{ prop.ElectricityYN | yesNo }}
Utilities Available: {{ prop.UtilitiesAvailable }}
Highway Access: {{ prop.HighwayAccessYN | yesNo }}
Possible Use: {{ prop.PossibleUse }}
Condo Style: {{ prop.CondoStyle }}
Common Area Maintenance: {{ prop.CommonAreaMaint | currency : symbol : 0 }}
Subdivision: {{ prop.SubdivisionProjectName }}
Dock: {{ prop.DockYN }}
Mile Marker: MM {{ prop.MileMarker }} on {{ prop.MileMarkerArea }}
Waterfront Features: {{ prop.WaterfrontFeatures }}
Seawall Permit: {{ prop.SeawallPermitYN | yesNo }}
Property Features: {{ prop.PropertyFeatures }}
School District: {{ prop.SchoolDistrict }}
Driveway: {{ prop.Driveway }}
Garage: {{ prop.GarageYN }}
Garage Type: {{ prop.GarageType }}
Roof:{{ prop.RoofType }}
Exterior:{{ prop.ExteriorConstruction }}
Foundation:{{ prop.FoundationMaterials }}
House Color: {{ prop.HouseColor }}
Appliances: {{ prop.Appliances }}
Interior Features: {{ prop.InteriorFeatures }}
Exterior Features: {{ prop.ExteriorFeatures }}
Fireplaces: {{ prop.Fireplace }}
Fireplaces: {{ prop.FireplacesYN | yesNo }}
Fuel Type: {{ prop.FuelType }}
Green Features: {{ prop.GreenFeatures }}
Water: {{ prop.WaterType }}
Sewer: {{ prop.SewerType }}
Included: {{ prop.Included }}
Not Included: {{ prop.NotIncluded }}
Assessment Amount: {{ prop.AssessmentAmount | currency : symbol : 2 }}
({{ prop.AssessmentIncludes }})
Financing: {{ prop.Financing }}
Contingency Type: {{ prop.ContingencyType }}
County: {{ prop.CountyOrParish }}
Tax Amount: {{ prop.TaxRealEstate | currency : symbol : 2 }} ({{ prop.TaxYear }})
Insurance Amount: {{ prop.Insurance | currency : symbol : 0 }}
Lender Approval Required: {{ prop.LenderApprovalRequired | yesNo }}
Terms: {{ prop.SaleTerms }}
Legal Description: {{ prop.LegalDescription }}
Image {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ prop.PhotoCount }}
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