MLS 3535995 - $1,100,000 - Linn Creek - Lake of the Ozarks Real Estate
Commercial, Residential, Condos, Townhouses, Farms, Lots, Land, Acerage, Lake Front, Foreclosures
(Linn Creek, Missouri) - This newly constructed home comes with Million-dollar views of MM 29 and with 115' of lakefront property. There were no corners cut when it came to every piece of this magnificent four bed 3.5 bath 3600 sq ft house: Two full-sized kitchens, two living rooms, bathrooms with tiled showers, two electric fireplaces, custom cabinets, and high-end appliances included. Multi-slide 3 panel-16' glass doors on both levels are staples of this luxurious property and fully opens as a gateway to outdoor fun! Not to mention the gentle driveway slope that leads to your 3-car garage and plenty of parking for everyone. In the back, have your choice of a screened-in upper deck or open patio that leads to the oasis of the water! No stairs lead to the water, and there is plenty of grassy space for outdoor fun and fur babies! This is the perfect location to entertain friends and family with it just minutes from HaHa Tonka State Park, Lake of the Ozarks State Park, Shopping, Restaurants, and Hospitals!
McNally Properties, Pat McNally, Linn Creek, Missouri, 573-348-2121
Search Lake of the Ozarks Real Estate
MLS {{ prop.MLSNumber }}
{{ prop.ListPrice | currency : symbol : 0 }}
{{ prop.StreetNumber }} {{ prop.StreetName }} {{ prop.StreetSuffix }}
{{ prop.City }}, {{ prop.StateOrProvince }} {{ prop.PostalCode }}
Address Not Available
Contingent: An initial offer has been made
Pending Sale: The seller has accepted an offer
{{ p[0] | date : "MMMM d, y" }}
{{ p[1] | currency : symbol : 0 }}
{{ p[2] }}
Listed: {{ prop.updated | date : "MMM d, y" }}
Year Built: {{ prop.YearBuilt }}
Square Ft: {{ prop.SqFtTotal | number }}
Acres: {{ prop.TotalAcres | number : 2 }}
Bedrooms: {{ prop.BedsTotal }}
Bathrooms: {{ prop.BathsTotal | number : 1 }}
Heat: {{ prop.Heating }}
A/C: {{ prop.Cooling }}
Foreclosure: {{ prop.ForeclosureYN | yesNo }}
Rd Frontage: {{ prop.RoadFrontage | number }} ft
Parking Spots: {{ prop.ParkingTotal }}
Price/Sqft: {{ prop.ListPrice / prop.SqFtTotal | currency : symbol : 2 }}
Price/Acre: {{ prop.ListPrice / prop.TotalAcres | currency : symbol : 0 }}
{{ prop.PublicRemarks }}
Property Type: {{ prop.PropertyType }}
({{ prop.PropertySubType }})
Business Name: {{ prop.BusinessName }}
Business Type: {{ prop.BusinessType }}
Fixed Equipment: {{ prop.FixedEquipmentYN | yesNo }}
Potential Rent Income: {{ prop.PotentialRentIncome | currency : symbol : 0 }}
Inventory Included: {{ prop.InventoryIncYN | yesNo }}
Total Units: {{ prop.TotalUnits }}
Farm Type: {{ prop.FarmType }}
Acres Cleared: {{ prop.AcresCleared }}
Pastured Acres: {{ prop.PasturedAcres }}
Fenced: {{ prop.FencedYN | yesNo }}
Electricity Available: {{ prop.ElectricityYN | yesNo }}
Utilities Available: {{ prop.UtilitiesAvailable }}
Highway Access: {{ prop.HighwayAccessYN | yesNo }}
Possible Use: {{ prop.PossibleUse }}
Condo Style: {{ prop.CondoStyle }}
Common Area Maintenance: {{ prop.CommonAreaMaint | currency : symbol : 0 }}
Subdivision: {{ prop.SubdivisionProjectName }}
Dock: {{ prop.DockYN }}
Mile Marker: MM {{ prop.MileMarker }} on {{ prop.MileMarkerArea }}
Waterfront Features: {{ prop.WaterfrontFeatures }}
Seawall Permit: {{ prop.SeawallPermitYN | yesNo }}
Property Features: {{ prop.PropertyFeatures }}
School District: {{ prop.SchoolDistrict }}
Driveway: {{ prop.Driveway }}
Garage: {{ prop.GarageYN }}
Garage Type: {{ prop.GarageType }}
Roof:{{ prop.RoofType }}
Exterior:{{ prop.ExteriorConstruction }}
Foundation:{{ prop.FoundationMaterials }}
House Color: {{ prop.HouseColor }}
Appliances: {{ prop.Appliances }}
Interior Features: {{ prop.InteriorFeatures }}
Exterior Features: {{ prop.ExteriorFeatures }}
Fireplaces: {{ prop.Fireplace }}
Fireplaces: {{ prop.FireplacesYN | yesNo }}
Fuel Type: {{ prop.FuelType }}
Green Features: {{ prop.GreenFeatures }}
Water: {{ prop.WaterType }}
Sewer: {{ prop.SewerType }}
Included: {{ prop.Included }}
Not Included: {{ prop.NotIncluded }}
Assessment Amount: {{ prop.AssessmentAmount | currency : symbol : 2 }}
({{ prop.AssessmentIncludes }})
Financing: {{ prop.Financing }}
Contingency Type: {{ prop.ContingencyType }}
County: {{ prop.CountyOrParish }}
Tax Amount: {{ prop.TaxRealEstate | currency : symbol : 2 }} ({{ prop.TaxYear }})
Insurance Amount: {{ prop.Insurance | currency : symbol : 0 }}
Lender Approval Required: {{ prop.LenderApprovalRequired | yesNo }}
Terms: {{ prop.SaleTerms }}
Legal Description: {{ prop.LegalDescription }}
Image {{ $index + 1 }} of {{ prop.PhotoCount }}
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