(Out Of Area (LOBR), Missouri) - If you’re searching for a well-established hunting tract, you don’t want to miss this one! Located along Lake Creek in Pettis County, this 75 acre piece of fertile bottom ground couldn’t have been sculpted any better to hold big deer. The tract is currently enrolled in a CRP Tree program. The habitat created by this program provides tremendous cover and travel corridors for deer and turkey. The topography of this tract has many funnels and areas in which deer love to travel and live. The current owner has taken multiple bucks over the 150 inch mark. Strategic stand locations will ensure you get in and out without detection, as well as ease of access. Being bordered by a nice blacktop road makes access to the whole property easy and provides you the ability to hunt with any given wind direction. Lake Creek cuts through the entire tract, providing all year water. In the spring time this property is know for some of the best Morel mushroom hunting too.
History | Price |
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