(Stover, Missouri) - Very Gentle, near level, lot that has had single wide mobile on it as well as RV hookup. Can see the Lake across and down from lot so close to the lake but not known if access exists as seller inherited the property. Does have water hydrant and water to lot and he pays no fee, has septic but again seller has no knowledge of type/size, and does have power to lot as did keep an RV there at times himself! Close to "Wet Spot" and fire station located 7/10 mile from lot on Ivy Bend Rd. Blacktop all the way until last 7/10 mile is gravel. 300.00 year for Water District.
History | Price |
{{ p[0] | date : "MMMM d, y" }} | {{ p[1] | currency : symbol : 0 }} {{ p[2] }} |
{{ prop.PublicRemarks }}
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